Wednesday, December 10, 2008

31 Years and Counting

Good Morning! Today marks our 31st wedding anniversary. Yesterday I found a card that the kids made for us in 2007. Very sweet and true. It said that the road hasn't always been easy but it has been good. I agree with the author, our daughter, Allison.
Clint is a wonderful guy and great father. He's also a very loving Grandpa to Delaney.
This has been quite an exciting year for our family. We built a house and have finished it enough to have had everyone home for Thanksgiving. It was incredibly satisfying and heart-filling to have everyone here. We had an awesome time and were blessed to have a lot of snow. It was beautiful here in the woods. The trees were draped with snow and the ground was covered deep enough for the kids to cross-country ski.
The other day I was reading my daughter-in-law's blog and she listed her favorite family Christmas memories. I kept reading, hoping she would list some of my son's. Then I thought maybe he didn't have many good ones. So, I asked her if he had mentioned any and she wrote back and said the large family gatherings we had at the family homes were what he remembered most. I was kind of wishing he would've mentioned his Ewok and Mocha Cinnamon Fingers. Oh well, he is a guy! :)
Clint and I are going to celebrate our anniversary on Friday, as we have other commitments every other night this week. I think we'll do a little Christmas shopping for our two kids that are still at home. (We celebrated the big family Christmas back at Thanksgiving with everyone here).
I hope each of you has a blessed day. Thanks for the opportunity to express my heart.

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